If a drugged driver injured you or a loved one, you have the right to demand compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial distress you have experienced. The Lexington car accident attorneys at Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC, are ready to fight for justice and ensure you receive an appropriate settlement.
Drugs of any kind, from prescription medications to illicit substances, can alter your mental state and impair your normal body functions. Although every drug affects the body differently, many drugs impact the ability to focus, make smart judgments, and coordinate movements.
Drugged drivers pose a threat to everyone on the road, as they are much more likely to cause a serious or even life-threatening accident. You and your loved ones should not suffer the consequences of another person’s dangerous actions.
You need to take action as soon as possible after a drugged driving accident, and Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC is ready to help you today. Contact us at (859) 550-2900 right now to begin work on your case with one of our skilled attorneys.
Why You Need a Lexington Car Accident Lawyer

In a matter of seconds, a drugged driver changed your entire life. You or your loved ones may have serious injuries that require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. You may also be concerned about your ability to return to work and how this accident will change your future.
In addition to these concerns, when you decide to file an injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company, you have to learn to navigate the insurance claim process and learn about your legal rights so you can receive the maximum compensation for your injuries. During this stressful time, you need to work with a lawyer who can help reduce the immense pressure you are facing.
Your Lexington car accident attorney will guide you through every step of the process, so you fully understand your rights. They will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather evidence supporting your injury claim to ensure that you have the best possible chance of recovering fair compensation. They will additionally prepare your case to go to trial, in case the insurance company fails to provide the fair settlement you’re owed.
When you work with an attorney, you can focus on your loved ones and your life after an accident, while trusting that your attorney is focused on your fight for compensation.
Why Choose Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC
For decades, the attorneys at Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC have advocated for our clients’ rights after an accident. We have the legal expertise to help you and your loved ones, no matter the complexity of your case. Our attorneys have a proven track record of success, with over a billion dollars recovered for our clients.
In addition to the skill we bring to each case, Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC is dedicated to providing our clients exceptional support and guidance. You should never have to feel alone or confused about the status of your claim. That is why our attorneys will take the time to answer each of your questions and offer open and honest communication throughout your case.
When you work with Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC, you can trust that our attorneys will do everything possible to help you get the compensation you need.
What Is Drugged Driving?
Drugged driving refers to the act of using mind-altering drugs while on the road. Many people are familiar with the dangers of drinking and driving. However, driving after using drugs is just as dangerous and is becoming increasingly common across the United States.
Some of the most common prescription and illicit drugs that impair driving ability include:
- Marijuana – reduces the driver’s reaction time and coordination and impairs judgments about distance and time
- Cocaine or methamphetamine – increases the likelihood of aggressive and reckless behavior
- Opioids – both prescription and illegal opioids cause drowsiness and impair thinking and memory
- Benzodiazepines and barbiturates – sedatives cause drowsiness and dizziness
- Inhalants – breathing in substances, such as gasoline, glue, or spray paint, cause dizziness, reduced coordination, and even hallucinations
In the state of Kentucky, the terms driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) are used interchangeably to described drugged drivers. There are severe legal penalties for driving while using drugs, especially if that driver causes an accident.
Unfortunately, these penalties are not enough to completely prevent drugged driving accidents. That is why if a drugged driver hurts you or a loved one, you need to take legal action to protect yourself and your financial interests.
Possible Compensation after a Drugged Driving Accident in Lexington
When a drugged driver hurts you or a loved one, you should expect compensation that is appropriate for the extent of the harm this person caused. After an accident, you may experience a wide variety of expenses that can impact both your short-term and long-term financial stability.
Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for:
- Emergency medical care
- Hospitalization and surgery
- Medications and medical devices
- Rehabilitation services
- Vehicle repairs or replacement
- Transportation costs
- Lost wages or inability to return to work
- Temporary or permanent disability
- Pain and suffering
Understanding the amount and type of compensation that you need after an accident can be difficult. That is why you need to discuss your case with an attorney who can help you determine the full cost of your accident.
An attorney will also help you fight back against other parties who may try to minimize your suffering and offer you less than you deserve. Although most cases end in a settlement, your lawyer will be prepared to take your case to court and protect your right to fair compensation.
Contact Our Lexington Auto Accident Attorneys Today
The Lexington car accident attorneys at Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC are ready to help you seek justice and compensation after an accident. We understand how important your case is to you and your loved ones, and we will advocate on your behalf throughout the legal process.
To ensure that you receive the greatest compensation, you need to file your injury claim as soon as possible after your accident. Contact Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC today for a free consultation on your case by calling (859) 550-2900 or filling out our online contact form.
At Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC, we handle all types of car accident claims in Lexington, including:
- Bad Weather Conditions
- Distracted Driving Accidents
- Head-On Collisions
- Highway Crashes
- Hit and Run Accidents
- Intersection Crashes
- Left Turn Accidents
- Mechanical Failure Accidents
- Multi-Vehicle Accidents
- Parking Lot Accidents
- Rear End Crashes
- Road Defects
- Rollover Accidents
- Self-driving Car Accidents
- Single Crash
- Speeding Accidents
- T-Bone Accidents
- Uninsured-Underinsured Accidents
Additional Lexington Car Accident Resources
- Airbag Injuries
- Car Seat Safety Guidelines
- Can I be Compensated for Pre-existing Conditions?
- Common Car Accident Scenarios in Lexington — Causes & Determining Fault
- Child Car Seat Laws
- How long Will my Car Accident Take To Settle?
- Kentucky Car Inspection Laws
- Lexington Car Accident Statistics
- Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Lexington, KY
- Passenger Injuries
- Questions to a Lexington Car Lawyer