In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a recall for high blood pressure drugs containing the ingredient valsartan because it was found to be contaminated with a probable human carcinogen.
The contaminate, known as N-nitrosodimethylamine, or NMDA, has been linked to an increased risk in the development of several types of cancers including liver, kidney, colorectal, stomach, bladder, or pancreatic cancer. If you or a loved one in your family are currently taking any prescribed medications containing valsartan, you could be at risk of developing a serious health issue.
At Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC, our Kentucky defective drug claims attorneys have made it their life’s work to help those taken advantage of by negligent, malicious, or fraudulent companies. To often, these companies are looking to only increase profits while putting their consumers in harm’s way.
In the past, our Kentucky defective drug lawyers have taken on pharmaceutical companies to acquire the compensation for victims they have exploited, and now, we are looking to rectify the wrongs that manufacturers of valsartan have caused.
If you or someone you love was affected by any recalled drug containing valsartan, contact Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC at(859) 550-2900 to set up a FREE legal consultation with one of our experienced Kentucky attorneys.
About Valsartan Recalls and Lawsuits

The ingredient valsartan, which is generally found in angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB), was approved by the FDA in 1996 to treat patients that suffer from high blood pressure, recent heart attacks, and heart failure.
That is, until recently.
In 2018, the FDA found that certain lots from overseas manufacturers of valsartan were contaminated with the chemical NMDA. This genotoxic impurity has the ability to cause mutations in patients’ genetic information, which can ultimately lead to the development of certain cancers no matter what level of exposure is endured.
While not all drugs that contain valsartan are compromised, it would serve you well to regularly check the FDA website as it provides up-to-date information on manufacturers and their products which have been recalled.
Many of the cases surrounding the contaminated valsartan products include the following companies:
- Mylan Pharmaceutical Company
- Hetero Labs Limited (India)
- Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical (China)
Other pharmaceutical companies that are involved in the recall should include:
- Actavis
- A-S Medication Solutions
- Bryant Rank Prepack
- Camber Pharmaceuticals
- Hetero Labs, Inc.
- HJ Hawkins Company
- Major Pharmaceuticals
- Mylan Pharmaceuticals
- Northwind Pharmaceuticals
- NuCare Pharmaceuticals
- Preferred Pharmaceuticals
- Prinston Pharmaceuticals
- RemedyRepack Inc.
- Solco Healthcare
- Teva Pharmaceuticals
- Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited
It is important to understand the types of side effects and damages that the recalled drugs containing contaminated valsartan can create. If you experience any of the following side effects or injuries relevant to NMDA exposure, get medical attention immediately:
- Abdominal cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Fever
- Liver, kidney, and/or lung issues
- Jaundice
- Liver fibrosis, scarring, or other types of liver damage
As mentioned above, exposure to NMDA in the long-term can also increase your risk of developing fatal cancers, such as:
- Liver cancer
- Stomach cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Colorectal cancer
If you have experienced any of the severe side effects previously mentioned from taking medications containing valsartan, you need to seek out medical treatment immediately.
Aside from getting treatment for NMDA overexposure, you should also acquire documentation from a hospital that confirms your visit so that the defective drug lawyers of Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC can prove that you are suffering from its toxic effects.
Then contact the Kentucky defective pharmaceutical attorneys at Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC to begin the process of securing justice against those who harmed you.
Contact us right now at (859) 550-2900 for a FREE case evaluation. We are ready to get to work securing you the compensation you so rightfully deserve.
What Should I Do If I Am Taking Valsartan?
The first thing you need to do if you are suffering side effects as a result of using valsartan is to seek out medical care. Hospital staff will need to treat you for any side effects caused by the drug. Depending on the severity of your situation, you may need to remain in the hospital a few days for monitoring.
Before you stop taking valsartan, first make sure to communicate with your doctor the issues you are having. Your doctor can inform you of other available treatment options. Please be aware, deciding to stop on your own can lead to bigger medical issues. Get your doctor’s approval first.
Then, seek out quality legal representation. Hiring a highly skilled and experienced attorney who is familiar with defective drugs and product liability is essential to having a successful claim.
When deciding which lawyer/law firm to work with, consider the following:
- Make sure the lawyer/firm has experience handling drug injury claims, and more specifically, defective drug claims.
- Do not be afraid to ask as many questions as necessary or voice your concerns. You need to feel absolutely comfortable making your decision.
- Do not hesitate to ask for testimonials from previous clients. A quality attorney with a strong track record will be more than happy to provide you with this information.
- You do NOT have to choose the first lawyer you speak with. Do research online and ask friends or family members for recommendations.
- You have the right to switch lawyers if you decide your initial choice was not the best one.
- Make sure the attorney/firm you choose is capable of taking your case to court if necessary. Inexperienced attorneys may simply accept the first settlement offer.
Be aware that you have one year in the state of Kentucky to file a personal injury, product liability, or wrongful death claim.
The Kentucky Valsartan lawyers of Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC can help you get the compensation you need to get your life back on track. Contact us right now at (859) 550-2900 for a FREE case evaluation.
Compensation Rendered for Contaminated Valsartan Exposure
Both state and federal laws allow for victims who have suffered damages as the result of a dangerous medication to seek financial recovery. Our experience in fighting negligent, malicious, or fraudulent pharmaceutical companies has helped us to establish a reputation built on successful outcomes for our clients. The Kentucky attorneys at Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC will work diligently to secure the following damages for you and your loved ones:
- Medical Expenses – A category of compensation that covers current and future medical expenses related to any injuries you have sustained from contaminated valsartan.
- Pain and Suffering – Another category of damages that involve quality of life changes that vary from case to case.
- Loss of Wages and Future Earnings – This category of damages helps victims to recover lost earnings (present and future) that they incurred because of their inability to work.
- Loss of Consortium – This category of damages helps the family of victims that suffer from NMDA exposure. It covers injuries that affect the relationships victims have with their spouse and/or children.
- Punitive Damages – Punitive damages are meant as punishment for the pharmaceutical company/ies that acted grossly negligent, malicious, or fraudulent.
- Wrongful Death Damages – If you have lost a loved one due to the injuries caused by contaminated valsartan, our Kentucky defective drug lawyers can help your family secure wrongful death damages.
Count on the Kentucky defective drug attorneys of Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC to help you secure the compensation you need to help you in your healing process. Contact us at right now at (859) 550 2900 to schedule a FREE case evaluation.
Why You Need the Valsartan Lawyers of Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC
For years, we have provided the citizens of Kentucky with meaningful, honest, and dependable legal guidance. Today, we are looking to support victims who have suffered an injury – or worse – as a result of taking valsartan.
Together with a team of medical professionals, investigators, researchers, and other legal professionals, we can fully analyze your claim in order to deliver the strongest case possible. We are invested in understanding exactly how valsartan has harmed you and what needs to be done in order to correct the wrongs done to you.
Couple this with our up-to-date knowledge of product liability law, and we can take care of all of the legal heavy lifting for you.
Depend on the defective drug and product liability attorneys of Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC to help you secure the financial recovery you need.
Contact Us
Trust is a hard thing to come by, and once it is lost, it is near impossible to gain back. These pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers have broken your trust, and they are hoping that won’t seek what is rightfully owed to you.
Do NOT be afraid to hold these companies accountable for their irresponsible and immoral actions. You deserve better. Recruit the help of the experienced pharmaceutical defect lawyers at Minner Vines Injury Lawyers, PLLC for a team of respected and committed attorneys who can effectively represent your claim and help you to secure the recovery you rightfully deserve.
Contact us at (859) 550 2900 for a FREE case evaluation with one of our defective drugs attorney in Kentucky.